The Odoo Customer Journey

Guide your visitors step-by-step through a seamless online process, from first contact to the point where they decide to buy your product or service.

Improve customer exeprience

The buyer journey is filled with many obstacles which could divert them to a competitor and away from your brand’s website. With Odoo you can Improve customer experience to simplify the buyer’s journey.

Odoo improves the customer experience by focusing on blogging, detailed product descriptions and explanations, simple registration, and product demonstrations.

person typing on gray and black HP laptop

Searching Made Simple

You can make it simple for your consumers to search for and find the things they want quickly and efficiently, with minimal clutter and wasted time. Odoo's simple search system will help your consumers find the products they want easily. 

person using laptop

Chat in real time

The Live Chat function in Odoo lets your customers to communicate directly with you. This feature enables customers to inquire about and learn more about the product or service they wish to purchase.

two person shaking hands near white painted wall

Users as customers

Odoo treats every customer as a user. Customers can register for an account on your website and log in later to make purchases. This can aid in the preservation of information about prior purchases, allowing customers to review the data before making a new purchase. You can use the saved information on product purchases to send customers offers based on prior purchases as the business owner.